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Courage in Shadow Grove Mock Up3.jpg

Courage In Shadow Grove (Publishing Design)

Courage in Shadow Grove is a fictional tale for young readers to dive into to learn about overcoming obstacles, forming trust, and the meaning of friendship/family. It depicts an opposites attract, platonic relationship between unlikely forces: a fox (named Leon) and a bunny (named  Pebbles).

Process Work

Mood Board

The idea behind the novel is a 'feel good' story, the plot follows finding your own family outside of your genetic family. Much of the inspiration draws from fictional, animal-characterized films like Shrek, Over The Hedge, and Madagascar.

courage in shadow grove characters2.jpg

Creating Characters

Each character adds to the overall novel whether big or small. To properly expect what settings and illustrations to create I drafted all the planned characters that would feature in the story.

courage in shadow grove characters.jpg
courage in shadow grove characters.jpg


Each Illustration into the book will depict character introductions, as well as add a visual setting to what is taking place in the book. All line work was drawn to finalize angles and what pieces I wanted to emphasize for corners and page binds in the book.


To allow the storyline of the novel to prosper properly, I chose a header type that follows the whimsical and fantasy theme of ‘Courage In Shadow Grove’. This helps set the visual tone for my ideas to fall into place. Times is a typeface placed in all body text to allow legibility, easy reading and cleanliness to chapters.

Belgan Aesthetic




Times New Roman





My focus was on neutrals that would allow all focus to draw towards the story over any illustrations. The beige and black are for the cover that mimics stained papyrus, black text ink, and white pages.

CMYK: 0, 11, 18, 0

RGB: 253, 227, 204

HEX: #fde3cc

CMYK: 75, 68, 67, 90

RGB: 0, 0, 0

HEX:  000000

Final Design

Environmental Contact



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